un exemple d'innovation publique:le speechbubble australien

Publié le par remy philippot

~~Speechbubble is an online forum to inform and engage with the public, staff and stakeholders in designing its initiatives and services.

~~Speechbubble enables multi-way communication whereby the general public and staff alike can ask questions, provide comments, and make suggestions on the department’s initiatives. The forum is open for set periods of time to collaborate on a specific initiative, for example, ‘Tell us how you want our humanservices.gov.au website to be enhanced to suit your needs and preferences’. Each time, the department receives hundreds of comments that are used to help shape the service or initiative in line with citizen expectations. The department provides outcome reports on how public feedback was used. Speechbubble is assisting the Department of Human Services to meet its objectives of using new technologies to engage with the public to produce high quality services using a collaborative approach.

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